Following her departure, Bull plans to pursue 'new adventures in arts, culture and breast cancer advocacy'
Photo: Breast Cancer Now
Attitude is Everything founder to step down
SUZANNE BULL will depart her role as founder and CEO of Attitude is Everything (AiE) in March 2025 after 25 years at the helm of the charity, which works to improve access for disabled people to the live and event industries.
Managing director at AiE CELIA MAKIN-BELL, who co-leads alongside Bull, is also leaving the music charity to take up a new position. Meanwhile the organisation’s head of skills development, PAUL HAWKINS, will become interim managing director until a new CEO is in post.
A non-executive director at Creative United, Bull previously held roles, including disability sector champion at the Office for Disability Issues and ticket scheme assistant at Shape Arts. In 2013, she was awarded an MBE for services to music, art and disabled people.
Following her departure, Bull said she planned to pursue “new adventures in arts, culture and breast cancer advocacy”.
“As many of you will be aware, I live with a cancer diagnosis as well as being disabled,” said Bull. “In March 2025, I’ll be halfway through my treatment, so this seems like a good point for me to live life at a slower pace and have the opportunity to pursue my other interests.
“It’s been a privilege to have been part of a team that makes real change, and I hope that I’ve contributed to making disabled people’s lives more bearable through music.
“This decision hasn’t been easy, because working at Attitude is Everything is my dream job. I’ve been here so long because I couldn’t think of anything better to do.
“But although I’m sad to be leaving, I know that the organisation will continue to thrive for many years to come, until one day, we’ll be able to say that there are no barriers to disabled people going to, performing or volunteering at, or working in live events.”
JACQUI ADENIJI-WILLIAMS, co-chair at AiE added, “Today’s announcement signals a new phase for Attitude is Everything, and our ongoing work continues. Perhaps the greatest testament to Suzanne and Celia is how they’ve built such a resilient and robust organisation, and one which is well placed to support even more people and remove even more barriers.”
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