
Creative Partnerships – What?s coming up? ? Seminars, showcases and events

Arts Professional
1 min read

10 February: Creative Uses of ICT
Development day led by Collective Art Noise, offering hands on opportunities to try out different software packages/equipment and making creative links between different ICT packages and curriculum areas. Free to creatives in West Midlands.
Venue: Light House Media Centre, Wolverhampton.

1 March: National Conference on Creativity in Schools
Guest speakers Guy Claxton (Bristol University), Valerie Hannon (DfES Innovations Unit) and Joe Hallgarten (Education Director CP). Plus workshops led by creative Advanced Skills teachers. The conference is free, but places are limited: e: [email protected]
Venue: Warwick University.

15 March: Brave New Schools
Joint conference with CP Slough and Slough LEA to explore environments
that encourage creative learning.
Venue: West Wing Arts Space, Slough.

Check for further details at