A new website has been launched by the Scottish Arts Council which includes footage of the Arts for All conference, which was Scotland?s first major conference on the role of the arts in tackling issues of exclusion, as well as a discussion forum where contributors can debate key themes and share examples of good practice. w: http://www.artsforallscotland.org.uk

East Midlands Arts is holding a series of roadshows offering information and support with funding opportunities, education and arts development, through presentations and face-to-face sessions with specialist officers. Additional arts-specific roadshows are also taking place. t: 01509 218292 e: [email protected] w: http://www.arts.org.uk/ema

The Campaign for Drawing is inviting organisations to submit details of events participating in The Big Draw (Oct. 16- 23). Details of events registered by July 19 can be included in national publicity, although other entries and updates can be accepted up to Oct. 15. t: 020 8351 1719 e: [email protected] w: http://www.drawingpower.org.uk

Tate Britain?s Education department has a number of voluntary internship positions working on either family, adult or school programmes. The Internships are unpaid for a minimum of three days per week for a minimum of two months e: [email protected]

The Arts Council of England has commissioned a disability/deaf channel within the ArtsOnline.com website, to go online mid-August. You can supply information about your organisation, events, services and training opportunities for disabled people to be included on the site. e: [email protected]

The Disability Rights Commission has launched a new Code of Practice on the Rights of Access for Disabled People which will become law under the Disability Discrimination Act in 2004. A series of three free publications is now available, to help small businesses comply with the legislation. t: 08457 622633 w: http://www.drc-gb.org

An investigation of ways in which artists can work effectively within the business community is presented on the new Ways of Working CD from the Arts Council of England?s Collaborative Arts Unit. Ways of Working (excluding the video components) is also available on Arts Online w: http://www.artsonline.com

The Arts & Business Awards 2002are now open for nominations. Arts and non-arts collaborations in the past year are eligible to enter the awards. t: 020 7378 8143, w: http://www.aandb.org.uk e: [email protected]

A 24-page report on arts stabilisation initiatives in the UK, Canada and the US has been published in Management Matters, the periodical of Canada?s Association of Cultural Executives. For copies, write to the Association c/o the Centre for Cultural Management, University of Waterloo, Hagey Hall 144, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 301.

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