10% of schools aren't teaching music, survey suggests

08 Dec 2020

Music teachers are putting their health at risk to continue provision under inconsistent and unclear Covid safety guidelines.

Bows, strings and IP addresses

Photo of the socially distanced orchestra and screens showing a feed of the conductor
08 Dec 2020

Technology has been working miracles delivering live performance online. Jonathan Vaughan asked Julian Hepple about the magic – and the mania – of making music at a distance.

How to replicate the concertgoing experience

Laptop confrence call screen in the foregrounf and two musicians in the background
08 Dec 2020

The much-vaunted idea of liveness relies on two different but equally important types of connection. Peter Ord examines the technical challenge of putting on a professional quality show from an artist’s own home.

Classical and jazz artists are 'doing badly' from streaming royalties

Man with headphones and microphone recording on a laptop
03 Dec 2020

Fear of being excluded holds artists back from challenging the major platforms.

Theatre to deliver council's music services in groundbreaking deal

Woman with violin teaching young children in a school hall
03 Dec 2020

Permanent employment for 17 more musicians and a wider programme of music activity will stem from the transfer of Flintshire Music Service to Theatr Clwyd.

Royal Academy of Music students 'feared speaking out' about sexual harassment

24 Nov 2020

A review highlighting shoddy employment practices and a lack of pastoral support doesn't go far enough to change the conservatoire's culture, critics say.

At least £1bn loss expected due to Covid-19: UK Music report

19 Nov 2020

The economic value of music industries reached a £5.8bn high in 2019. Then the "hammer blow" happened.

Arts Council England freezes £223k grant over fraud allegations

Close of up a hand on DJ decks
11 Nov 2020

The funder refuses to say how many other grants are under investigation amid complaints it awarded Cultural Recovery Fund money to a dormant venue.

Black, Asian and ethnic minority representation in music industry at a record high

29 Oct 2020

UK Music launches a plan to keep up the momentum, as research shows the gains are concentrated in entry level positions rather than middle or senior management.

News Comment: Sharp actions, at pace, with respect

29 Oct 2020

UK Music has published its industry-wide ten-point plan for a diverse music ecosystem. But it’s actions, not words, that will bring about lasting change, says Ammo Talwar

166,000 live music jobs 'gone by Christmas'

22 Oct 2020

Culture Recovery Fund grants are expected to save more than 10,000 roles. What happens next will determine whether the industry emerges "bruised but intact or devastated and demoralised".

Teaching music mustn’t become an exclusive career option

Man teaching a young girl to play saxophone
20 Oct 2020

By cutting bursaries for teacher training, the Department for Education will make a career in teaching an unreachable dream for some musicians, says Roz De Vile

Inspiring elite performance without the elitism

Leeds Cathedral Choir
23 Sep 2020

God? Art? Heritage? Education? In the face of a financial reckoning and a crisis of balance, can cathedral choirs harness their transformational potential before becoming an irrelevant heritage industry for the soul, asks Thomas Leech.

Colston Hall reborn as Bristol Beacon

23 Sep 2020

Bristol Music Trust says the new title reflects a more inclusive narrative where music - not history - "is at the heart of what we do".

'Bubble of one': Disability arts educators fear exclusions

18 Sep 2020

As schools reopen, the barriers to resuming arts education for disabled children "have been hugely increased".

Mass testing key to fully reopening the arts sector, MPs told

11 Sep 2020

Arts events could incentivise testing and restart the sector safely. But without a confirmed reopening date, there is little hope of recovery.

Urgent need for music education guidance

28 Aug 2020

Days before England's schools resume, the Department for Education is yet to publish guidance on reopening music departments.

Singing softly could cut Covid risk

28 Aug 2020

DCMS and the University of Bristol publicised the research findings as proof that 'singing is no riskier than speaking'. That's not quite what the study says.

Plea to save sector as support for freelancers ends

19 Aug 2020

The imminent end of income support for freelancers "will be devastating for them and for the industry," union leaders say. The damage has already begun.

Instrument studies find low risk of Covid transmission

13 Aug 2020

One study found fewer aerosol particles "were produced when playing than when breathing alone".


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