From issue 20
Oakham International Summer School (OISS), running now for three years, is the Tallis Scholars? summer school at Oakham in Rutland. It came into being after a masterclass at Stamford Arts Centre in...
From issue 20
Summer school is an opportunity to turn up the heat: an intensity of experience in which the participants have to really engage with each other as individuals and in a group, work, writes Deborah...
From issue 20
It is pouring with rain and the mist has obscured the view across the hills and out to the sea. You are part of a group of twenty or so performers, writers and directors pressing along ancient...
From issue 20
Review by Madeline Hutchins, Trainer and Consultant (Directory of Social Change, 2001, ISBN 1 900360 88 8, £7.95 [£10.67 inc p...
From issue 20
The development of the Internet has presented lawyers with a host of new legal challenges, many of which are unresolved. Josh Smith considers the measures that artists and art galleries need to take...
From issue 20
New ideas have the potential to be valuable commodities so need to be safeguarded throughout their development, writes Joe Meaney. The Invention...
From issue 20
Protection of intellectual property was considered for a long time to be a dull and technical subject and something that most people in the white heat of creation would worry about later, writes...
From issue 20
It is useful to distinguish between Property and Intellectual Property (IP) for the purposes of insurance, explains Mark Boon. Insuring artwork, recordings and film falls under the heading Property,...
From issue 19
Arts organisations across Scotland and Wales are celebrating announcements by their respective governments, of major increases in arts funding. The National Assembly for Wales is to increase its...
From issue 19
Jonathan Church?s first season as Artistic Director at Birmingham Repertory Theatre has seen attendances rise by 92% in comparison with the autumn/winter 2000 season. 92,000 people came to see a...
From issue 19
Every issue of ArtsProfessional is crammed with news of people changing their jobs ? moving on, moving up, or this week, in the case of Tamara Malcolm (see below), moving into retirement. How...
From issue 19
After 14 years as Artistic Director, Vicky Ireland (pictured) is to leave Polka Theatre at the end of the summer to devote more time to freelance writing, directing and international work. Tamara...
From issue 19
TAG Theatre Company, Scotland?s national theatre company for young people, is to be assisted by the Education Service of the Scottish Parliament on its next project, ?Making Changes?, which will...
From issue 19
The Film Council has issued a consultation document setting out its proposals for the distribution of specialised films, and support for cinema education and cinema exhibition. Under the proposals, £...
From issue 19
A new symphony orchestra is to be formed as part of Bristol?s bid to be named European Capital of Culture 2008.The West of England Philharmonic, to be run by members on a self-governing basis, will...
From issue 19
?Blacking Up?, a one-day event by Scotland?s Theatre Workshop featuring a dynamic piece of forum theatre in which the audience will explore issues of employment and disability, is to tour throughout...
From issue 19
Britain?s largest display space for contemporary craft is to be developed in North Kesteven, Lincolnshire, with European funding of £1.14m. The new centre, to be known as The Hub, will develop the...
From issue 19
Responsibility for High Peak, currently in the North West Arts Board region, is to transfer to East Midlands Arts (EMA) at the beginning of April. The move means that EMA?s boundaries will reflect...
From issue 19
The first International Festival of Musical Theatre in Cardiff is to be staged from October 14 ? November 3, and will be the world?s first ever major international event for this artform. Festival...
From issue 19
An information line is to be launched to help those working in the arts sector find out about training opportunities. Metier, the national training organisation for arts and entertainment which has...
From issue 19
Pundits speculate that as many as 80% of tickets will be sold online by 2005. But Roger Tomlinson holds to his belief that even if the ticket sales operation changes beyond recognition, the Box...
From issue 19
Ensuring an Excellent Night Out for English National Opera?s customers is what our Box Office is all about, writes Lynne Sinnamon. By making that all important ticket purchase easy and hassle free,...
From issue 19
I?ve been fortunate to work with some fantastic people who work on the front line, writes Adrian Phillips. Whilst training Box Office staff, I?ve got to discuss the job that they do and what they...
From issue 19
This week sees the publication of the Arts Council of England?s strategy and report on street arts. Will this document help to bring a marginalised sector into the funding system, asks Maggie Clark....
From issue 19
Street arts activities of all types are a vibrant part of the UK arts ecology and have in the past thirty years engaged, questioned and entertained many millions of people, notes Bill Gee In this...
