Good parenting from prison
Nicky Goulder tells how a project combining literacy, music and illustration has brought offenders closer to their young children.
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Arts Marketing Association is a membership organisation that helps arts marketers and leaders be at the forefront of marketing for the arts and culture industry. AMA shares the latest knowledge through training and events, Culturehive and the annual AMA conference, working with its community network of exemplary leaders and marketers in the arts industry and beyond.
Nicky Goulder tells how a project combining literacy, music and illustration has brought offenders closer to their young children.
The Prison Arts Foundation employs artists-in-residence in prisons in Northern Ireland. Alison Smyth explains their approach and a…
Hannah Hull believes in the importance of critical thinking for socially engaged arts practitioners, now the subject of one of the…
A training programme for artists working in prisons has just gained international accreditation, announces Alan Clarke.
Jessica Plant and Kate Davey argue that arts interventions in the criminal justice system have demonstrated positive outcomes…
Working in prisons and other challenging environments is, well, challenging. Hannah Hull argues for the importance of thinking cri…
Alan Clarke is working on a training programme for artists who want to work in prisons. He outlines some of the challenges faced s…
Amy Bere tells how Opera North enables the homeless and vulnerable to discover a more independent and positive lifestyle.
Clive Hopwood gives some examples of the impact that the Writers in Prison Foundation has had over the last 20 years.
Kate Massey-Chase discusses the impact of personal budgets on participants at CoolTan Arts.
Jenny Richards suggests that the work of Art vs. Rehab, and in particular its Critical Spaces project, gives practitioners the muc…
The Grodzki Theatre Association has created a website where artists and educators can place films, images and texts of their work…
As opportunities for alternative and creative forms of education and care provision are diminishing, Bridget McKenzie puts forward…
Alex Fradera and Julia Pöhlmann explain why improvisational theatre is so effective at breaking down the barriers between prisone…
Alan Clarke explains the origins and aims of the Cred-Ability project.
Matt Tyler suggests that the traditional career path for arts professionals needs to be reviewed.
Ruth Ben-Tovim describes ‘A Little Patch of Ground’, a food-growing and performance project aimed at people of all age…
Arts practitioners are being asked to contribute to the development of a new pan-European project leading to the first internation…
An Evidence Library has been created to catalogue a collection of independent research and evaluation on the impact of arts-based…
Dr Alan Clarke shares what he has learnt from a career running arts projects in prisons across Europe
Across the UK and US the prison arts community is forming a transatlantic network. Becky Mer examines the ins and outs
Daniel Hogg’s work may be ‘art by an offender’ – but that’s far from the whole picture
The insides of prisons have inspired playwrights for generations, you only have to traipse to the Soho Theatre to see a contempora…
It’s 8.30am and by my rights as a student I shouldn’t even be out of bed yet. As a student, I should be nursing a god…