Arts Council England freezes £223k grant over fraud allegations
The funder refuses to say how many other grants are under investigation amid complaints it awarded Cultural Recovery Fund money to…
Arts Professional is working in partnership with Arts Marketing Association to share the innovation and resources that arts marketers and senior leadership need to develop their skills and inspire change.
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Arts Marketing Association is a membership organisation that helps arts marketers and leaders be at the forefront of marketing for the arts and culture industry. AMA shares the latest knowledge through training and events, Culturehive and the annual AMA conference, working with its community network of exemplary leaders and marketers in the arts industry and beyond.
The funder refuses to say how many other grants are under investigation amid complaints it awarded Cultural Recovery Fund money to…
Large grants to commercial operators, the comments of unsuccessful applicants and the conditions attached to funding awards have a…
Nearly 1,400 arts organisations “woke up to good news” as £257m of Culture Recovery Fund awards were announced,…
New scientific research reveals that ventilation is key to reducing airborne transmission of Covid-19. Some performance venues alr…
Sector leaders have responded with a mixture of relief and gratitude for a Government package that will secure the medium-term fut…
A collective of Black and Asian artists, curators and educators explains how the impenetrable glass ceiling keeps them on the marg…
Professor Gavin Henderson has apologised for “the lived experiences of students of colour” and his racist comments dur…
Thousands of people from every background are developing and showcasing their creative skills online in a huge variety of forms, e…
A structured reflection process can support arts leaders to find tentative answers to the overwhelming problems they are facing. R…
Desperate pleas from those who are losing their livelihoods have revealed the stress that Arts Council England’s grant appli…
Subsidy doesn’t shield or separate arts activities from the economic system; it enables them to be part of it, says Stephen…
While our concert halls, theatres, galleries and museums sit empty, dedicated teams take centre stage to make sure venues are read…
Over the coming weeks, arts funders and philanthropists must make heart-rending decisions about who will survive. A coordinated ap…
The death of a student, significant mental health issues and a "clear and worrying picture" of conflict are behind plans…
ArtsProfessional’s Freedom of Expression survey reveals gagging orders, bullying and a culture of fear are causing arts and…
Reflecting on being wrongfully dismissed by the Royal Academy of Music, Dr Francesca Carpos says the sector must create a cul…
Yes, my crude social media posts may have caused offence – but we can't only allow speech we find agreeable, says Manick…
As Arts Council England prepares to publish its next ten-year strategy, thought leaders suggest a radical alternative.
At London’s Royal Opera House, 14 senior managers and a further 12 performers were paid over £100k in 2016/17, amounti…