Regional arts funding – getting the balance right

An image of England from space at night - the cities lit up

Photo: NASA Goddard (CC 2.0)

The distribution of arts funding across England has become one of the most talked-about arts policy issues ever. The publication last year of Rebalancing our Cultural Capital, the report providing facts, figures and analysis of the regional distribution of arts funding, has sparked both widespread media coverage and parliamentary  debate, as well as a forthcoming inquiry by the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee.

Should arts funding be re-balanced to better reflect the population of England, and if so how? What about areas that have lost out due to local authority cuts – do they warrant special treatment? Should the regional distribution of Lottery funding be treated any differently to grant in aid funding? And should London’s major cultural institutions be thought of as a ‘special case’ due to their national and international role? Share your thoughts on these and other issues related to the regional distribution of arts funding through the latest AP Pulse survey,  Regional arts funding – getting the balance right.

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