
Recipients of Beacon company status awards announced

Arts Professional
1 min read

Diversions Dance Company. Photo: Diversions Dance Company; photographer, Roy Campbell-Moore

In a keynote speech at the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff, Alun Ffred Jones, the recently-appointed Minister for Heritage in Wales, has set out his vision for Culture and the Arts, emphasising the need to “prioritise our work and our expenditure to maintain excellence” in the face of tightening financial constraints. His speech referred to the recent announcement of the list of ‘Beacon companies’ in Wales that will benefit from a £4.5m ‘merit pot’ created by the Welsh Assembly Government to reward excellence and innovation over the next three years.

From 69 applications for Beacon company status, 22 organisations of different scales and artforms have been successful. Awards range from £25,000 to £140,000, with Diversions Dance Company (pictured) and Welsh National Opera gaining the highest awards. The Minister added, “I will wish to see the fruits of these decisions before gauging if the fund is working effectively, or if any change is required in its size and objectives.”