
Macron announces higher Louvre admission prices for non-EU visitors

Arts Professional
1 min read

French President Emmanuel Macron has said a plan to completely overhaul the Louvre Museum in Paris at a cost of around £675m will be paid for in part by higher admission prices for non-EU visitors.

The 10-year redevelopment project, dubbed the “Nouvelle Renaissance” by Macron, will be funded by private donations, the licence fee for the Louvre Abu Dhabi and “a higher differentiated [ticket] fee for foreign visitors from non-EU countries”.

The higher ticket prices will come into effect on 01 January 2026.

The current entry fee is €22 (£18.45). Macron said higher admission prices are likely to be applied to other national museums in France.

The most-visited museum in the world welcomed 8.7 million visitors in 2024. It is hoped the redevelopment work, including a new east-facing visitor entrance by 2031, will increase this to 12 million per year.