Arts Professional
5 min read

Put culture at the heart of regeneration
Young Zimbabwean artists Mokoomba

Resources available for funding theatre in the Republic of Ireland are not sufficient to meet the needs of currently funded organisations, nor to provide for potential new artists and practitioners, according to a new discussion document, ‘Examining New Ways to Fund the Production and Presentation of Theatre’, published by The Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. The document aims to re-evaluate how theatre is funded. Responses from the theatre sector are invited by 1 August.
The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) has launched Waterside Space, a new centre dedicated to its work in education and participation (pictured). The RSC’s education department will run all its pre-show workshops for school groups, teachers’ training days and conferences for young people and teachers in the new building, while the events team will use the space for workshops and activities for families, life-long learners and the wider community. The space will also be made available, from 2010, for local community arts organisations to use for rehearsals and other activities.
A new 18-month partnership of performing arts, music, and monitoring and evaluation organisations will develop a programme of activity for leaders both within and outside the partner organisations. The Performing Arts Network Development Agency, Greater Manchester Music Action Zone, Music Leader North West and Substance (a social research company) will form ‘Leadership Lab’, to encourage leaders to embrace risk, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking.
A variety of new measures to put culture at the heart of regeneration have been announced at a conference on culture, the creative industries and regeneration, organised by the Institute of Welsh Affairs. The measures include a Centre for Regeneration Excellence in Wales and additional funding for the National Library of Wales. Heritage Minister Alun Ffred Jones said, “Not only do [the arts] provide a cultural hub at the centre of any regeneration scheme, but they also spark the creation of other businesses.”
The Foundation for Community Dance, in partnership with Disability Arts Cymru and Community Dance Wales, has been commissioned by the Arts Council of Wales to develop a clearer picture of the opportunities for disabled people to access, participate and progress in dance across the country. A survey investigating whether organisations have a written policy statement about delivering services to disabled people, which specific disabilities or impairments are targeted, and employment and qualifications for disabled people in dance, is available online.

Authoritative guidance on protecting employees from workplace dangers will be given away free by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) from September. Around 250 publications that currently have a cover price will be made freely available in PDF format to view and print. The publications cover the full range of HSE’s guidance as well as approved codes of practice and guidance on regulations.
The health of the Britain’s creative industries is founded on the strength of individuals, a debate in the House of Lords has concluded. Melvyn Bragg, President of the National Campaign for the Arts, said that small groups of creative people must be supported in order to see “a creative cultural revolution” that will prove to be as powerful as the industrial revolution. The debate also covered the contribution of the creative industries to the UK economy, the importance of education and its sustained funding, and the need to tackle copyright theft and online piracy.
The Scottish Arts Council and Learning and Teaching Scotland are joining forces to bring arts education resources online through ‘Glow’, the world’s first national intranet for education. Designed to break down geographical barriers, overcome time constraints and allow schools to access new educational experiences, Glow uses the latest technology to provide access to artists, writers and performers in real time and allow young people to interact with the arts wherever they are in Scotland.
A petition to show support for young Zimbabwean artists Mokoomba (pictured), who are unable to perform in the UK due to blocked visas (AP196) has been set up by Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI). Blasko Smilevski, JMI Secretary General, called the visa rules “difficult, inflexible and un-transparent”, and JMI is urging people to sign its petition to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, to stop visa regulations restricting cultural exchange between Europe and the rest of the world.
A new theatre company, Grand Slam, will be launched in Wales this summer. It will build relationships with Welsh theatres, particularly the Grand Theatre in Swansea, and is developing a strategic plan with The Gate Theatre in Cardiff to run shows for longer periods of time than has previously been possible.
Tools for you’, a booklet which summarises the tools and systems that can help to prove and improve third sector organisations’ quality and impact, has been published by the New Economics Foundation. It includes information on assessing and strengthening an organisation’s social, economic and environmental reporting; an organisational development framework for identifying strengths and weaknesses; a diagnostic tool to help a new or developing community enterprise to assess itself against key criteria; and an environmental management scheme that aims to reduce negative environmental impacts.