
Cut survivor

Arts Professional
1 min read

London Bubble Theatre Company, which suffered one of the biggest cuts from the Arts Council England’s portfolio review earlier this year, has survived and is refocusing its activities. Following the loss of £420,000 core funding, seven of its ten staff posts were made redundant and the summer tour was cancelled, with the loss of a further 20 seasonal jobs. Increased support from Lewisham and Southwark Councils, a one-off injection of cash from ITV, and private donations, plus ongoing support from the Jack Petchey, John Cass and Goldsmiths Foundations, mean that the company can start a process of rebuilding and renewal, focusing on South East London. Creative Director Jonathan Petherbridge said, “The past few months have been traumatic, and without the support of the general public and local authorities the company would have gone under. We now have a short time to re-establish ourselves and prove that the Bubble has a worthwhile and viable contribution to make. Without Arts Council support it will be tough, but the silver lining is that it helps us forge a closer relationship with the partners who really appreciate what we are trying to achieve.”