My Gurus – Laura Drane
As Laura Drane prepares for the first celebration of #CaitlinDay, she names and profiles some inspirational women who have lived in the shadow of their higher profile partners.
Caitlin Thomas
Caitlin was a dancer with ambition and talent, as well as her own frailties and flaws. She was also Dylan Thomas' wife, and the inspiration for the show by Light, Ladd & Emberton. A woman of few words – her husband had all the words – one of her opening lines in the show states plainly: “My husband was a very famous poet. I was going to be a very famous dancer. We were supposed to be equal but it wasn’t like that.”Sadly that’s all too common. So #CaitlinDay will celebrate and profile women who've been in the shadow of their partners, playing second fiddle to them, perhaps because of family commitments; women who've been largely ignored, almost famous or never quite reached their full potential in their field.
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