
News – X.trax returns

Arts Professional
2 min read

The Arts Council of England?s ?decibel? project (formerly known as the Diversity Project) is working with x.trax, Manchester’s international performance showcase, to present a major national event showcasing the best work from Britain’s African, Asian and Caribbean artists and companies.
decibel at x.trax will take place in Manchester from May 2-5 2003. It will be a cross-artform performance showcase with a range of complementary services that will assist artists to sell their work and expand their touring potential. Promoters from across the UK and internationally will be invited to see the range of performance work by culturally diverse artists and companies in the UK, including drama, dance, music, street arts, circus, and live art. The event will take place at various venues across Manchester including the Green Room, Contact and The Lowry. Submissions are currently being invited for inclusion in the showcase, and shows can be in any artform across the performing arts, though only professional work which can be subsequently toured will be considered. Funds are available to cover the cost of remounting existing work for the showcase, and artists and companies selected to present work will have their costs covered.

Artists, companies and producers in the North West are invited to attend a meeting to find out more about the showcase, at Contact Theatre on September 24. Plans for the showcase so far will be unveiled and a discussion will help determine how the event can best support artists in the North West. For further information contact Philip Deverell (decibel Project Manager)
t: 020 7973 6424
e: [email protected] or see the website w: