Issue 269: Children and young people

  • Children and young people

    Image of 'Cervical Monologues'
    02 Dec 2013

    As the theatre company Women & Theatre celebrates thirty years, Janice Connolly reflects on the company’s origins and values.

    Many times over the 30 years that Women & Theatre has been in existence we have talked about whether we should change our name. In our first decade, when our stable mates were Cunning Stunts and Gay Sweatshop, there was talk of calling ourselves ‘The Wandering Menstruals’. In the 1990s, a decade of big business, there was talk of ‘The Matrix’. In the 2000s, when everybody had to work harder than ever to keep the ship afloat, ‘Theatre Factory’.

    But we have stayed with the name that... more

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