Of the seven recipients of Artsadmin’s bursary scheme for live art this year, three have been awarded to deaf or disabled artists. Each of the winners will now receive a share of the £36,000 fund. Additional funding was provided this year by Arts Council England to address the under-representation of deaf and disabled artists in live art. The 2010 recipients are Katherine Araniello, Claire Cunningham, Noëmi Lakmaier, Sinéad O’Donnell, Steven Ounanian, Emma Smith and Tim Spooner. All will follow a programme of mentoring and development, and they will also be offered the chance to showcase work at Artsadmin’s Toynbee Studios. Artsadmin is a producing and presenting organisation for contemporary artists working in theatre, dance, live art, visual arts and mixed media and the bursary will re-open next year