Trustees are not being provided with sufficient information or training to cope with the recession, according to a new survey of 550 charitable organisations. The Baker Tilly Voluntary Sector Governance Survey 2008 shows that 78% of charities do not include specific training in financial management in their induction procedures, despite the fact that more than half of respondents thought that the current economic situation would have significant impact on them. The report also notes that even when trustees are aware of charity finance issues, the information that they receive in management reports is not thorough, with only half including a cash flow analysis. Other findings included an overall improvement in governance in the charity sector in recent years, with an increased focus on risk management, developing appropriate internal controls and developing a fraud policy. However, 40% of charities reported continuing difficulties in recruiting trustees. The Charity Trustees Network has now launched an online service, called trusteefinder, allowing organisations to advertise for trustees, and potential trustees to search for suitable opportunities.

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