
News – High-flyers

Arts Professional
1 min read

The Circus Space, a charity dedicated to enabling the creation of contemporary circus, is the only arts organisation included in the first annual Inner City 100, a national listing of 100 fast-growing companies located exclusively in the UK?s inner cities.
Ranked 19th in the country, having reported a 381% increase in turnover between 1996 (£327,614) and 2000 (£1,574,238),The Circus Space has been recognised as part of the Government?s drive to open up enterprise in disadvantaged areas. Teo Greenstreet, Chief Executive of The Circus Space, said ?circus training and production requires vast spaces, for acrobatic and aerial performance. The formerly derelict power station we occupy in Hackney, East London, is one of the few places that can meet this need …We also undertake a lot of training using circus for City of London based companies, and our location is extremely helpful for this.?