Mission Models Money (MMM), the national action research programme and campaign for new approaches to the business and funding models in the arts sector, has concluded its third and final phase with the publication of two reports, Towards a Healthy Ecology of Arts & Culture and Invitation to an Alternative Future, both available on its website. Further initiatives arising from the conclusions and recom-mendations drawn from the MMM programme will be announced later in the year.
w: http://www.missionmodelsmoney.org.uk

The Art Fund will next year be taking over from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as sponsor of the coveted £100,000 Museum Prize, the largest single arts prize in the UK which is awarded each year in recognition of innovative developments in museums and galleries. This years winner was Pallant House Gallery, Chichester (pictured), for its £8.6m extension designed by Long and Kentish in association with Professor Sir Colin St John Wilson.

The TMA Management Awards, made by the Theatrical Management Association in recognition of the expertise of individuals and the work of theatres across the UK, have named Donna Munday, Chief Executive of Royal and Derngate, as the 2007 TMA Manager of the Year, supported by Walton & Parkinson. The Most Welcoming Theatre award, supported by Celebratio, went to Nottingham Playhouse; Arts Council Englands Presentation of Touring Theatre award went to Warwick Arts Centre; Hall for Cornwall won the Achievement in Marketing award, supported by London Calling; and the Eclipse award for diversity went to Ola Animashawun at the Royal Court.

New guidance giving details of when and how charities may engage in trading has been published online by the Charity Commission. The guidelines explain the difference between trading for the purpose of raising funds and trading to carry out the charitys objectives, and indicates when a separate trading company should be established to carry on such activity. They also contain the most up-to-date information about income and corporation tax on trading profits.
w: http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/publications/cc35.asp

Think-tank Demos has published a new report reflecting on the relationship between culture, participation and the web, and exploring the role, opportunities and limitations of online culture. Logging on, written by John Holden, examines the question of how policy intervention can meet with technology to bring about a more democratic culture.
w: http://www.demos.co.uk/publications/loggingon

Arts Council England has set up a website offering pensions advice for arts professionals. Do you feel that you have made adequate provision for your own pension?

Thanks to everybody who took part in our latest online poll.
For this weeks poll, go to http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk

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