From Charlotte Beard,

Programming and Marketing Manager, Number 8 Community Arts Centre

Thank you for the article Taking the flexible approach (AP issue 144, 23 April). I have spent the past 18 months caring for my sick husband, whilst fulfilling fulltime duties in a small charitable arts venue. I am incredibly fortunate that my employer has been supportive of my situation from the start, and has allowed me to work in a way that gets the job done both at work and home, and provides room for the emotional impact of my domestic situation. I am lucky to have been able to sit with my employers and discuss an approach that helps my employers understand I am not taking advantage, while allowing me to work with the same passion and enthusiasm I have always done. They have provided a flexible working environment, making work a release from my domestic situation as well as a job. It was great to hear that April 2007 heralded a recognition of the role of carers for adults and that there is now a process by which employees can seek a supportive and flexible approach. I have been able to operate annual hours and work from home without having to make a formal case, but it really is nice to see, in print, that you are now entitled to manage work and domestic life in a way that suits you and your employer.

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