
News – Spotlight on Welsh attendance

Arts Professional
2 min read

Sixty-seven per cent of people in Wales attended an arts event in 2004/05 and one in every six people booked tickets for the arts over the Internet according to new research published by the Arts Council of Wales. The survey, Arts in Wales 2005, questioned nearly 7,000 people from across the country about participation, attendance and attitudes to the arts. A fifth of the adult population participated in at least one arts event over the course of the year with levels of participation highest among 1624 year olds. Among those who do participate, frequency of participation is high with the majority participating on at least a monthly basis.
The findings reveal a disparity across the country with lower levels of overall arts attendance recorded in South than in North, Mid and West Wales. Discrepancies as a consequence of socio-economic circumstances are also apparent, with wealthier respondents more likely to have attended the arts. Respondents with Welsh language ability displayed higher levels of arts attendance and participation than non-Welsh speakers. Overall, public support for public funding of the arts stands at 78% with 94% of respondents agreeing that children should have the opportunity to take part in arts activity.