
News – Arts Council embarks on equal ops assessments

Arts Professional
1 min read

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI) has published its Equality Scheme, giving full details of the methodology and processes it will be following to assess the extent to which its funding programme and policies create differential impacts between groups, or have the potential to enhance equality of opportunity between groups.

In compliance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), equality impact assessments of all areas of ACNI policy will take place over the next five years, starting this year with two areas: Client Programmes, which provide annual revenue funding to arts organisations and represents the major part of ACNI funding; and Access to the Arts Programme, which supports the development of arts in the community. ACNI has committed to make public the outcome of its equality impact assessments and of any monitoring undertaken. Published documentation will include details of any consideration given to alternative policies which might better achieve the promotion of equal opportunity. The Equality Scheme has been published on the ACNI website: w: