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Understanding your audiences and tailoring their website user journeys can pay dividends when it comes to engagements and conversions.

In this session, on Thursday 26th September at 10:30am UK time, we will explore the topic of audience culture segments, and how to use them to refine your website user journeys. Including:

  • An overview of the various culture segments – MHM and Audience Agency
  • Segmentation roleplay – an exercise for understanding your organisation’s audience and the culture segments they fall in to 
  • How to action your learnings

Throughout the webinar, we will be welcoming questions from participants to ensure you are able to get the best possible information for you and your organisation. We will also include a dedicated Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

Registration is required for this webinar – click the button below to register.

In the meantime, submit a question you would like us to cover in the webinar.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Register now

HdK hosts free monthly webinars on different digital marketing topics, from social media management and analytics to optimising your website and building campaigns. Each session is around 40 minutes with room for questions at the end. There’s also an option on each webinar page to submit questions in advance to make sure we cover what’s useful for you. And if you can’t make it, we screen record the session for you to look back on and upload it here:

Upcoming Webinars